Soldier Boy and Angel Girls - Chapter 8 - Dalubhasa41st (2024)

Chapter Text

Soldier Boy and Angel Girls

Yukino P.O.V

Chief of Defense Kaya had us observe that Sensei Boy's defense against the Kaiser PMC invasion of Abydos, to assess how much of a threat or how difficult a fight against him would be.

Levi of Prehevil, the appointed Sensei of Schale by the missing GSC President. Just his first day in Kivotos flipped some tables for just about every faction with their own motives. I mean, other than the obvious thing like Schale, a federal investigation club with suspiciously large authority... it's magic! He not only proved the existence of magic, but he's also armed with it.

Not only that, but his combat senses and tactical prowess is not equal, but still capable of withstanding my Fox squad. He turned the pencil pusher representatives that accompanied him on the mission to bring back peace to Kivotos to a somewhat combat worthy force.

There were also the rumors that he hit the Fox of Calamity, the same one we fought and subdued a while back, from ten thousand feet away, without a scope! Just plain old ironsights! I've seen in the footage that captured him on his first day, he had a bandage around his right eye. So not only did he make that shot one handed, but also with his non dominant eye.

... And the way he dismantled that tank with magic, the way he crippled it before destroying it. He first made sure the crew couldn't move with those rats, then the explosion to stop it from running away or rotating faster. And then he sliced it in half, with the sword of blood coming out of a bloody hole in his sides.

The way and attack sequence that Sensei did against the tank... it was methodical, and ruthlessly efficient.

He did all of that after the tank blew a hole in his stomach... even as an elite, I couldn't fathom being able to move with the obvious pain that would force itself upon whoever suffers it.

"Yukino... what's with that serious look?" Niko, my second in command asked in worry. "You look even more gloomy than usual." I... I am? How could I not?

"Yeah! Those Valkyrie students were all gossiping about how he said he was just a conscript!" Kurumi, our pointwoman confidently disregarded the possible threats that Sensei poses. "And we're the elites, we can take him easily!" She spoke with a smug smile.

"He might be a conscript, but he still hit the Fox of Calamity from really far away with just ironsights." Otogi, our squad sniper lazily remarked with a deadpan tone. "I'm good. But he's better with how he did it with ironsights, and literally one handed." Lazy as she seems, she's always in alert.

"That's right... and with how easily he dismantled the entirety of Kaiser PMC." I spoke up, pausing until their full attentions were on me. "Conscript he may be, he's still highly capable. He dismantled the Kaiser PMC, outnumbered with what remained of Abydos." Of course, they're accepting my assessment of that Sensei.

"Add to the fact that he did so heavily outnumbered and outgunned. He fought Kaiser PMC conventionally with conventional tactics while the odds were stacked against him and won."

"Yes, he might have both magic and conventional combat prowess, but he still did it one handed." Niko raised her voice slightly at the word magic... I mean, I'm also kind of curious about that.

"Magic this! Magic that! That's been the talk of Kivotos ever since he came along!" Kurumi's always been prideful, so I can see why she's annoyed with how that's what the masses have been talking about.

And besides, The Sensei's proficiency in combat is frightening even for me, even with the exclusion of his magic. The way he fought against our Kouhai's in Kousagi park, how he subdued them so easily, how he shaped the terrain to his advantage... We had ways to do that ourselves with specialized equipment, but he did so with mundane tools like firehoses.

And the extent of his magic... The full details of it lies only in his mind, he has so far shown how effective it is in his hands. The short range teleportation, the swarm of blue moths disintegrating that helicopter, as well as that quick reaction red lightning from the Kaiser PMC body cam footage we got access to. And don't even get me started on that black ball that could destroy a building even with it's small size.

He's no special forces, but he excels in conventional warfare... That's... not a situation I'd want to find myself and my squad in against him.

"Still, you can't deny how much of a game changer magic would be in combat." At Otogi's observation, even Kurumi would have to begrudgingly nod in agreement.

Yes, watching his first day footage was like watching a TV show. The tank blowing a hole through his stomach as he screamed and then barely being able to stay awake was traumatic, and then there's absolute whiplash that came when he summoned those rats, that explosion, and finally the sword and that healing spell.

"So he's a skilled marksman, ruthless tactician, and a good leader. And then there's the obvious advantage of magic." Niko observed, showing off her observation skills which most wouldn't expect from her given how she's always acting so casually. "But should we really consider him as an enemy? Even Chief Kaya said that he wants to help our rabbit kouhai's." That's... I can't really argue with that, but-

"Chief Kaya was barely able to convince the Administration Board to veto the SRT closure, especially after what we did." I know that they already accepted that deep down. Or rather, only I did... and they trust me as their squad leader to follow me. "He could very well render us, SRT, obsolete if he decided to provide training to Valkyrie or just about anyone." He may not be as good as us, but... He can still take us down if he expected us, like he did with Kaiser PMC.

The GSC Board of Directors wouldn't hesitate to fully close us down if he could turn any currently inept forces like Valkyrie, the Trinity JTF without their generals and president, and the Pre- no, the Prefect Teams forces are actually highly combat worthy under the leadership of Sorasaki Hina, as well as the constant chaos of Gehenna Academy forcing them to always adapt in whatever way they have to.

"He won't! He'll fall to us if push came to shove!"

"And the Board of Administrators already wanted to close us down."

"Yukino... What makes you think he wouldn't want to help us?" Niko asked, her usual motherly tone leaking out. "He's already trying to help our kouhai's, don't you think he'll help us as well?" Because... That's because...

"Even if he wanted to... It's still up to the Board of Directors." I hate the fact that we are dependant on Chief Kaya for the survival of SRT but... but she's still our only hope for the time being.

And oh yes, we still have to report back to her... Should I include the weather changing when he tried ordering the Kaiser forces to stand down, when he talked about a Machine God followed their forces destruction and disorganized mass desertion after the weather went back to normal?


Rin P.O.V

I could only let out a tired sigh as I stared at the sizable pile of paperwork containing records of the investigations of Kaiser Corporations so far alleged but not confirmed wrongdoings, particularly that of Kaiser PMC and Loans subsidiaries.

Assault, with their alleged, which is already too obvious to still be an allegation, invasion of Abydos. Theft, kidnaps for ransom, numerous illegal transactions, coercion, extortion, blackmail, and corruption, which now that I think about it is pretty much an open secret at this point.

The economic sanctions that would be chained upon Kaiser Corporation should these allegations, even if not all of them, are proved to be true would be crippling. And with Levi-Sensei, along with the remains of Abydos's student body completely dismantling their PMC subsidiary, I don't see any possible way for them to respond in force.

He also said something about classifying them as an invasion force, but I don't think that's necessary anymore. Yet there still is the issue of these transaction records between Kaiser affiliated groups and Defense Chief Kaya... I should probably bring that issue to her.

Standing up from my office chair, I clipped some of the records to a folder. Turning around and going through the door, I walked around while observing the many GSC members hard at work. Addressing calls and dealing with paperwork, as well as typing down records and reports on their computers.

"Good morning, Chief Administrator Rin." Politely greeted Ayumu with a smile as she turned to look at me. "Hard working as ways." She observed.

"Yes, good morning, Ayumu." I greeted back in kind, adjusting my glasses with my free hand. I would've loved to chat, but I still have some business to attend to.

"By the way, you should see the news." Ayumu said before I got too far away walking. Hmm, I usually do so. I am the Acting President of the GSC after all, it would not bode well if I were blind to whatever is happening in the present in Kivotos.

Actually, as the General Student Council, we always do so without question. Ayumu should know that, so why did she see the need to tell me?

"Kronos School of Journalism reporting! A new church and religion has been formed by former Kaiser employees!" I heard the signature boisterous and excited voice of that pesky reporter on the wall mounted TV. Wait... what in the world?

That dark skinned reporter excitedly rushed to a combat mechanoid, judging by the persons sturdy form. They have the inverse mark of the God of Fear and Hunger painted green in their chest.

"Excuse me Sir, could you tells us why you're opening up a church? And what sort of deity are you worshipping?" That reporter, Kawaru Shinon is what I believe her name to be, asked the mechanoid closest to her.

The former Kaiser employee looked at her blankly for a moment, contemplating something. The reporter looks uncomfortable under that machine mans stare.

"We do so for the Machine God who appeared before us, Logic." The mechanoid simply stated blankly, showing little to no emotion making both mr and that reporter uncomfortable. "The one who appeared claimed only to be an avatar, meaning not the Machine God Logic's complete appearance." The mechanoid added... is it just me or is he acting shy?

"We wish to create a new religion, yet we do not even know of our God." The combat robot added with a hint of emberassment in his artificial voice, looking away and scratching the back of his head. "But compared to Decagrammaton, she did appear in front of us and showed her power and wrath." Decag... rammaton? What on earth is that? Now that I think about... I've overheard some robot people referencing that name sometimes in the past... but I never asked about it.

"I s-see, and why was this God angry with you?" Reporter Shinon asked with obvious interest. Wait a minute... I remember that woman who claimed to have been sent by President to watch over Levi-Sensei mentioning the name Logic... and Machine God...


"Because we attacked the last of the children still staying in Abydos Highschool." I couldn't help but let out a confused noise as I heard that robot person speak. He spoke with regret and resolve to never do anything like that ever again... and also confirming one of the allegations as he was, after all a former Kaiser PMC employee.

"We were ordered to do so with the intent of forcibly taking what's left of their school. At that time... she appeared, the avatar of the Machine God Logic. With just the wave of her arms, we were punished and stomped down." The way he speaks is in reverence of the alleged deity.

"I see... Do you have plans for the future?" Asked the reporter, as it is her job for the most parts.

"Frankly speaking, no. At the moment, we don't even have the resources we need to build a proper church. But we'll still try our best." The mechanoid looked away in a display of shame as he spoke of his groups plight.

"I see, that's unfortunate." You know what, I'll give her points for not immediately jumping to conclusions as Kronos usually does. "Another question if you do not mind. Do you know of the sudden weather change in Abydos yesterday? There were destroyed Kaiser PMC marked vehicles there." I'm actually impressed with how polite Kronos is acting this time.

"Aah yes, that was when Logic appeared. I'd like to speak more, but my comrades need me." And with a quick goodbye, he turned away and started walking towards his companions moving supplies.

Some of them are haloed girls, probably dropouts and delinquents hired by Kaiser going by their uniforms. Looks like they're joining in on the Machine God Church thing.

"Well, there you have it folks! First magic, and now honest to goodness deities appearing in Kivotos!" Concluded the reporter as they began talking about something else.

... This is either going to be a boon in the future with them providing charity and the likes, or absolute hell if they become zealots seeking to expand the influence of their church.

Either way, I should tell Levi-Sensei to have that other haloless woman appear before these her new followers as to influence them into not doing anything that would be detrimental to Kivotos' stability.


Azusa P.O.V

Being able to accompany the elite Squad on the reconnaissance mission led by the one most praised by the Madame, Joumae Saori, was a great privilege.

The Sensei of Schale... He was certainly going to be an enemy of ours, conflict with him would be inevitable in the near future, those were the words of our revered Madame Beatrice.

I was a little disappointed that we were ordered not to get even close to three miles, the minimum distance needed for visual range, to that fake adult, that Sensei. He was still a child compared to Madame Beatrice, he won't have a chance against her when the time comes.

We were to observe his tactics and combat skills, to look for any possible weaknesses that could be exploited. But unfortunately, we were unable to find out anything useful as he destroyed the Kaiser forces too quickly.

Nevermind that Trinity provided artillery support during the battle, nevermind the fact that he gave a powerful offensive magic to a filthy Gehenner, even worse than the decadent and spoiled Trinity students. Whatever happened when that green fog appeared and the weather darkened was more important, "The Machine God demands it." He proclaimed right before that all happened. It would've been preposterous, had their forces not been annihilated when the green fog disappeared.

But that aside, that Sensei's tactics were too simple from mere observation. He didn't fight or prepare defenses like a guerilla with how little his Abydos minions had to offer. He fought conventionally, and still won despite the obvious disadvantages.

So his tactics couldn't have been that simple! Hiding in buildings to shoot at the oncoming opposing force, using cheap drones to drop munitions, and simply launching and firing as much munitions as possible, as quickly as possible. If it was that easy to win against a superior force, then we would've long since brought down both Trinity and Gehenna in one fell swoop!

"Azusa-chan was it? What are you talking about?" Asked one of the decadent Trinity fools sitting by my side, completely unaware of the fact that I'm infiltrating their ranks so our great Madame could bring them down easier. "And could you please remove that tactical gasmask? It's kind of scary when I have to look at you... And not to mention the sound of your breathing through the filters." She, I believe she introduced herself as Hifumi earlier, asked with a fearful tone.

Hmm, I guess I probably should. It wouldn't be a proper infiltration mission if I caught attention with my attire. Bringing my arms to the back of my head, I unclip the gasmask straps and slowly took it off my mask. Now that the gasmask with those dark tinted glasses are gone, everything looks more colorful and brighter.

"There, you look so pretty without that creepy gasmask!" Hifumi, her blonde hair and bright gold halo along with her pristine white uniform was almost blinding with how radiating she was.

Hmm... On second thought, I don't like being observed freely.

"Uwagh! Azusa-chan, why are you putting that creepy thing back on?! And why are you planting explosives on our dorm room entrance?!"

I don't know why these decadent Trinitards are so obsessed with the little things, but that attitude will be the downfall of them once we, Arius Satellite School, start our attack from the shadows.

... Taking down Trinity should be easier now after that spoiled, naive, foolish Tea Party member, Misono Mika, for whatever reason decided to betray her comrades and secretly side with us... Truly, these Trinitards are all treacherous. As the Madame dictated.

And the Prophet of the Tea Party... I should be proud that the mission entrusted to me, that is eliminating her, was successful. I alone dealt a fatal blow to our sworn enemies, but.... Why? Why did I falsely report her as being truly dead? Why didn't I finish her off? The praise from Madame Beatrice would've been more soothing...

Damnit... I let her lies get to my head! I'm still loyal to Arius and Madame Beatrice, nothing will change that. Vanitas Vanitatum, Et Omnia Vanitas.

"I don't really understand, but that does sound really cool!" Hifumi... Perhaps I can recruit her to our side... No, I probably shouldn't. These Trinitards are all treacherous as our collaborator, Mika, have so far shown.


Levi P.O.V

Gehenna district... almost reminds me of the architecture back home, and in whatever cities I was deployed to or have occupied near Bremen and Bohemia proper. Hmm, now that I think about it, there were a lot of similarities between Bohemia and Bremen. So I guess I shouldn't be so awestruck with how Gehenna reminds me so much of those places just at a glance.

Then again, everything here looks so much cleaner and pristine compared to just about every place back there. Hell, just being there was already depression inducing even without all the sh*t happening, but here in Kivotos everything just exudes happiness even without something like a celebration or a parade happening.

"Bohemia and parts of Bremen were at several points in history under the same flag. So yeah, we'd have a lot of similarities. "

Is that so? Cool, I've never read much about history so that's interesting to know.

Hmm, I should probably check the counseling requests like I did back in Trinity with Hasumi and Koharu. Taking my phone out and navigating to the messaging tool, I start loo- "Arona, can you mark down all the nearest students requesting my aid?And also seperate and classify each student to whichever school they belong to." There's so many asking for my help here, I think the numbers reached thirty or so.

[Done, Sensei!] Cheerfully reported Arona as she appeared with a smile in my phone screen. Good job Arona! Out of instinct, I start rubbing my thumb on the screen above her head, patting it softly. [Uehehehe, praise me more Sensei.] She said in a relaxed tone.

I would love to keep patting you more, cute and plump your cheeks are, but I still need to do my job. [I see, you can keep patting me later then.] Arona's disappointed, but still anticipating more later.

Alright, who's the closest I can walk to? There are two in the Gehenna Academy Lunch Cafeteria... I can visit Hina and Chinatsu, as well as filling my stomach, but I should check the others first. Let me see... Oh, it's Haruka, she's in a building nearby.

Hmm, I told her and her group that I would be hiring them... But things happened too fast and I didn't have the time to reach out to them. I groaned out realizing that I could've lessened the manpower shortage that we had when the Kaiser forces came.

[You: Things happened too fast, I forgot to hire you girls when we obliterated Kaiser PMC.]

Yeah, I should probably let her know. Especially her with how abysmally low she sees herself.

[Haruka: Y-you? I thought you would have left someone like me on read!]

Alright, what does that mean?

[Sensei, when someone sends you a message, they can see if you've viewed it yet or not. And leaving someone on read is sometimes considered as ignoring them or disrespectful.] Thanks Arona!

[Haruka: Don't worry about that, I'm sure Aru-sama won't mind.]

"Before you ask, that's a honorific the orientals use for someone they respect or someone older by a year or two. "

How do you know so much about the far easterners? No wait, you probably learned it throw that internet thing.

"Yeah, there's just so much free information there. And also so much weird things... you should just make an account already, it's also a way for people to spread news that haven't even reached the news yet. "

Then you've already seen how weird and uncomfortable it would be. People can make fake identities and say whatever they want without consequences, and they did it talking about me. The things I've read... the sh*t I've seen is one thing, but the stuff I've read and watched people write and do in that social media stuff is like having someone lick my asshole clean... not that I've ever had someone do that to me, mind you.

But wait, isn't this MomoChat thing enough?

'No, Momochat is isolated to itself as a messaging application. You need to make seperate accounts for AngelGram, and Kivotube. "

That so? Sure, I'll do it later.

[You: Anyways, I'm coming over like you asked.]

[Haruka: Y-you will?! Forget a-about it, I'm sure you'll just f-find it b-boring.]

Hmm, almost like me with how she reacts to offers of company.

[You: It's non negotiable. I'm coming, I won't know if it's really boring or if you're just keeping all the fun to yourself.]

I should really think before I press to send. The way I worded that sounds more like an accusation instead of a playful teasing.

[Haruka: I s-swear it's n-not! But if you're s-still interested, I'm in-]

I had to breath a sigh of relief that I managed to have her open up. Now that I think about it, this reminds me of how Miss Abella and I first met. She tried offering a helping hand, and then encouragement when I stubbornly refused saying that I could deal with the withdrawal myself.

Eventually, she had enough of me acting pathetically stubborn and just gave me a full syringe... Somehow I felt even worse when I took the heroin she begrudgingly offered, injected it to my system with the sh*tty nauseous feeling of withdrawal disappearing and making me high.

The feeling of having to choose my words and actions with Haruka... I guess it's the same as what Miss Abella felt having to deal with me when we first met.

Wait, I don't know the least bit about that address she gave me. Hmm? My phone just opened up the KivoMap tool by itself.

[I figured you'd be needing it for the tracking magic, Sensei!] And you're right, thanks Arona! You've been a step ahead of me a lot today. [That's right, I'm the Super A.I Assistant Secretary Arona!] Yes you are, Arona!

[Reveal Aura]

Haruka's halo, the three purple spikes forming a triangle appeared floating above my phone screen... Oh? That's actually pretty close, a phase or two ought to do the trick.

... You can just type in that address, and KivoMap will make a path for you to follow.

I can?! Yeah sure, I'll keep that in mind for later. You keep telling me things too late.

[Phase Step]

I felt myself moving through space and finding myself in a buildings rooftop, and finding myself significantly closer to where she is to my North.

Hmm, she should be on that one building's top floo- oh yeah, she is. I can see her purple figure from here.

[Phase Step]

Traveling through distance's in the blink of an eye still feels strange even without the nausea. Anyways, I appeared pretty much infront on Haruka, face to face even. She freezes as we made eye contact, widening her eyes and then blinking rapidly, obviously thinking if her eyes are playing tricks on her.

Haruka finally realizes what she's seeing is real and backs away in fear and emberassment, yelping and screaming in a somewhat overdramatic way.

"L-Levi-Sensei, y-you're here already! Did y-you use m-magic?!" She stuttered out as she hunched over, protecting whatever she's holding.

"Yeah, long time no see Haruka." I greeted with a smile, bringing my hand up as a way to show that I mean no harm while I approached. "I might know a thing or two about botany." I said as I looked around, seeing plant pots with freshly watered greenery.

Outside of those poisonous and lethal plants Olivia taught me about, I know nothing... But she did teach me how to properly water and plant, those kinds of things.

"That's perfect! Sis would've loved to teach little girls about botany!"

Yeah, she definitely would have!

"R-really?" Haruka replied with a small hint of hesitation but she eventually gives me a smile, straightening her back and showing me what she was protecting with her body and hands. "But yes, I w-wanted to give you t-this." She nervously said, bringing her hands holding the pot forwards to me.

"It's a p-pot of weeds, I h-hope you l-li-" Haruka was nervously explaining with a trembling smile, until she froze. Her expression is as if she's realizing something drastic. "N-nevermind! What was I t-thinking?! Who would l-like this k-kind of-!" Wait, those are real weed, right?!

"Eh?" My blurted out question had Haruka stop her breakdown, and her expression morphed into one of confusion and worry. "Yes... it's a real pot of weed. But why would you...?" Because I can smo- no, actually. You don't need to know.

I don't need any students learning how to smoke pot from me. After all, I'm suppose to be a teacher, a role model for these kids.

"Smoking p-pot?" Oh me and my big mouth! Haruka's looking at me as if I'm crazy or something's wrong in my head. Well, I mean... I'm not exactly right in the head, but I'm still sane. "Levi-Sensei, what does that even mean?" Hmm... On one hand, I shouldn't teach kids about these kinds of vices, specially Haruka. But on the other... The feeling of not being trusted would be pretty bad for someone like her...

"Can I trust you not to tell anyone else?" I ask Haruka as I took more looks around, the city and buildings, the pots and plants she's taking care of, all of those things.

I see her putting on a determined face and vigorously nodding her head.

"Well, you see Haruka... Weeds are like tobacco, they help us stressed adults cope and relax." I nervous explain with an awkward smile, scratching my ass to occupy my hand. "But kids like you shouldn't smoke it, it's bad for your health." Haruka's expression is that of understanding and sympathy, before it morphed into one of fear and terror.

"B-but Sensei, smoking is bad even for adults! Your lungs will rot!" She shouted with a worried darkened expression, eye's wide as she nervously showed her concerns. Oh I'll be fine, healing magic remember? "Oh right... But you still shouldn't do it!" I'm supposed to be the one teaching her, but instead Haruka is the one teaching me here.

But that aside. "Most girls would grow flowers and the likes, why grow weeds in particular?" I ask in curiosity and confusion, because she's obviously not a pothead. Haruka widens her eyes in surprise before showing a bright smile.

"Because they remind me of myself." Oh no... She might be saying that with a cheerful smile, but- "They're invasive, not good for anything as well as being an eyesore." Yup, there it is. She barely contained herself trembling, probably from frustration.

"So they kind of remind me of myself... They're just like me..." She has a look of defeat and reluctant acceptance in her expression. Doesn't she realize yet?

"But unlike tobacco, when people smoke weeds, they feel happy and relaxed." Haruka's expression of defeat goes away, replaced by shock from my words. I can see traces of a smile forming at the edges of her lips. "You shouldn't look down on yourself, Aru wouldn't like that." At the mention of Aru's name, she stiffens up and frantically nods her head.

But then, she takes some step backs while looking at me even more confused with a blushing, yet dark and paranoid expression.

[Mind Read]

What is Levi-Sensei trying to convey? He couldn't be talking so highly of someone like me... Is he? He's... complimenting me...? He couldn't be...

Huh? She doesn't believe that people would even think highly enough of her to warrant praise? She didn't have much friend, did she? At least not before meeting Aru, I presume.

But... We're alone... is he... does he actually mean it? Huh? What... is that wiggling... there's a worm...

Her expression morphs into one of absolute fury and hate as she looks at the worm wiggling out of the soil in the pot she's holding, her hands are trembling as it gripped the plant pot that's barely holding on to itself starting to crack.

Alright, before she needlessly breaks that pot, I rush to put my hands on that pot of weeds.

[Mastery Over Vermin]

"Hey Wormy, I don't know what you're name is, but Haruka worked hard for this weed." I spoke as I brought my face closer down the pot, to the barely visible small worm wiggling itself out of the soil. Haruka lets out a confused worried noise at what I'm doing, even taking some steps back probably because she's weirded out. "She would be depressed if you ate it up."

Oh? Sorry, Master. I'll try move along.

I heard the worms words in my head.

"Are you alone or do you have friends or family?"

I'm alone. I was in the soil this purple human scooped up.

"Right, come to my hand and I'll bring you safely down." I said, sinking two of my fingers down the soil on the pot held by Haruka. The worm hastily wiggles it's way into my hand, and so I took my hand out of the pot.

Thank you, Master!

The individual Worm shouted out his gratitude into my head as I kneeled to let it down the floor. "You're welcome, Wormy." I whispered back to it.

"Levi-Sensei..." I turn back to look at Haruka's bewildered expression as I stood back up. She has for some reason a despaired look, her eyes on the verge of tears as she sniffles. "Have I... been murdering innocent worms and all this time?" No, they don't care much about dying or seeing eachother killed.

"Sensei... but I still stomped them down." Oh... how did it get worse? She started crying and whaling. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Haruka frantically shouted out her apologies while wiping her tears with both hands, to the many countless Vermin she has knowingly or unknowingly slain without a single thought.

"No, Haruka-!" And before I could cheer her up, she already ran away. Slamming the rooftop door open and running as fast as she could down the stairwells, her echoing cries and apologies resonated in the building.

The pot of soil and weed... was dropped on the ground, pieces of the pot and soil scattered, littering and dirtying the tile it's on.

... I would've chased after her. But speaking from personal experience, it's better to give Haruka some time to herself.

Alright, moving on.


I saw a glimpse of that thing, Arona called it a vending machine, as I was phasing along the rooftops on a straight line to Gehenna Academy proper. Many might say that commuting or walking would make more sense, and it would, but the feeling of breeze as I jump off a building knowing I could just phase before falling was refreshing and fun. And even if I forgot to phase, I still had Loving Whispers.

But yeah, I'm a little parched and I wanna taste that soft drink thing again. As I got closer to the fridge like machine, I see a coin hole with some buttons on it. Hmm, there's a lot of variety here...

"Arona, you have any more of that credit thing?" The idea of not needing to have money occupy my pocket seemed convenient... until now that is.

[Sensei, that vending machine doesn't do digital transactions.] I heard her explanation from the sling bag where her tablet should be. [And you need to start carrying a wallet soon. As for the vending machine... your golden coins should be good enough.] Yeah, I shouldn't rely on someone else to say for me. I'll do just that later.

Reaching out for my other back pocket is... pretty awkward with not having a left arm. I have to arc my back as far as I could while wiggling my fingers near my ass, the very sight of which is definitely going to make people cringe.

But I thankfully managed to pick it out eventually, why I didn't put all of it in the closer pocket like that one I used for the half Necromancy or in my bag... I really don't know.

Holding the lucky coin by my index finger and thumb, I bring it closer towards the coin hole and inse- ... How the hell did I miss that? The lucky coin bounces from the vending machines surface, dropping down to the ground and rolling down the sewage drain... I guess that's the coin telling me I've already failed this coin flip.

Walking over to the sewage drain until it is beneath my feet, I crouch to look below for it which I easily found with a squint of my eyes through it's bright gold shine.

[Sensei, you can just use another coin, right?!] Even so...

" Lucky coins are still gold, Arona... and it's still capable of changing probability in our favor in the future."

Yeah, that's right... Wait, were you talking through Arona's tablet?

" Yeah, it's a pretty weird feeling having to go through your mind everytime we have to communicate. "

Now you know.

Moving on, how do I go about retrieving the coin? I don't see any vermin I could talk to, I don't think the summoned rats could fit right through the drain slits... and I certainly don't want to lift the drain cover up and jump down, I don't want to get dirty. Hmm... Maybe I could use that.

Stepping out of the drainage and giving my shadow a clear spot, I cast-

[Flesh Puppetry]

Having both the rotten looking hands grab the drainage cover as they flew up, taking the cover off as it followed the hands up.

Hmm, the sewer actually looks clean here... A little too clean if I was asked about it.

Anyways, I had one hand retrieve the coin as one stayed to carry the cover. Once I got it back, I had the floating hands return the drainage cover back to it's place before having them return to my shadow.

"Oi... Mind explaining what you're doing?" That voice! I turn to the voice behind me and sure enough, it's her! Iori! Looking at me with eyes narrowed in caution, footwork in position to jump back if needed for whatever reason. "Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if you were the rumored pervert hiding down sewer man holes." Alright, what makes you think I'm that depraved?

"You... You forced yourself, your tongue on my thighs!" Iori shouted in an indignant, furious tone, pointing at me as she looked on in irritation and a slight hint of fear. But you were offering, and I si- "No I wasn't! I said that to ward you off, because who in their right mind would even think about considering that?!" Well, she's got me there.

"Was it really that bad? Back home, we were taught about how Alll-Mer punished the corrupt tyrants he overthrew by having them give him a fellati*." I mean, it was just her thighs, right? Certainly not as bad as having to do so with anothers genitalia.

"... What? The God worshipped by the Trinity Sisterhood?..." She trails off... that expression... did I overload her mind with needless elaboration like I did with many of her comrades back in Abydos? When I called that Ako girl a whor*? "You know what... I don't even want to know." Hmm, yeah, you're probably right. That has no place in a civilized society.

"So, what were you doing then?" Iori asked with suspicion, yet still more calm than earlier.

"I was just picking up a coin I dropped." I replied, showing her the coin in my hand which glimmered from the sunlight before her. Her eyes widened in shock, jaws dropped even.

"Is that... gold?! And you were gonna use it for a mere vending machine soda?!" Iori asked incredulously, her eyes turning to the vending machine and then back to me. "Don't you have any spare change?" I haven't held any proper coin or that paper money thing ever since I got here.

"The GSC isn't paying you?!" Oh yeah, Yuuka said something about that. I thought Rin was just giving me pocket money back then, but no, I've just been paying in the digital way, whatever that is. "I see... coming from a place where electronics are a new thing, yet already knowing how to use it..." Not really, I was given An A.I assistant for that.

"Is that so? Well, Sensei. In this society, you're still gonna need money in hand for daily use." Iori explains in a reluctant, yet confident way as she closed her eyes and turned her head away with her long silver twintails swinging around. Is that gesture... supposed to mean something? "Here, a hundred yen coin. Enough for a soda." She said, taking a small coin out of her pocket and handing it over to me.

"It's better than wasting a gold coin for just a mere soda." Thank you Lady Iori! I will never forget this kindness among your countless other deeds. "J-just take the damn coin!" And so I did.

This time, I carefully inserted the coin into the hole. Then I pressed the button number corresponding with the same number by that co*ke sections number. I sure hope I'm using this thing right.

And I am as a co*ke can was pushed down by some mechanism. I knelt down to take my co*ke.

"Say, what was that about a pervert hiding in man holes?" I ask while reaching out for the co*ke I bought.

"There were reports of someone hiding down these things to peek up girls skirts." As Iori spoke, I felt the cold can of soda, as Iori simply called it, in my hands. I look back up to her as I retracted my hand, seeing more of her thighs underneath her skirt... Oh? Those are some weirdly colored underwear.

Hmm, why is she backing away? And why is she looking at me like I was garbage? Even more so than usual, actually. "You... You're still a pervert after all. You're probably the one rumored to be hiding down manholes as well!" Not really.

But can you really blame the guy?! You're thighs look delectable! And it tasted as so when I took a taste for myself! Oh what I wouldn't give just to have another lick again!

" Levi... What the hell are you on about? Was taking a sniff off that Haruka girls weeds enough to make you high? "

... Oh goddamnit.

"You... J-just die! Die you p-pervert!" I stood back up with co*ke in hand, and looked at her expression as she's backing away. She's flustered in an indignant way, looking furious and about to lunge at me to most likely subdue and arrest me. But instead, her expression morphed to that of fear before she turned around and just ran away.

" How would Sis react if she knew how much of a pervert you were? "

... Pretending that nothing just happened between Iori and I, I open up the co*ke can by the thumb and dump it's sugary cold contents down my parched throat.

Probably isn't healthy to down that much sugar, but I really don't care at the moment.

Hmm, alright. I dumped the co*ke can down a trash can, and went on walking towards no particular direction while checking that Momochat thing.

Let me see... Aikiyo Fuuka, President of the Gehenna School Lunch Club. And then her peer, Ushimaki Juri.

The first wants me to pick up and deliver her groceries to her as she is busy preparing to cook for her entire school. While the other is talking about how the most important spice is love... I mean, that's kind of sweet but... that meant something else back home, something in the more literal sense that is.

Hmm, she's asking about how much spice should be used in cooking food.

Hey, Rondoner Chef Man! This is right up your alley!


Man, Kivotos has so much convenient stuff. That Fuuka girl already paid for her groceries all the way from back in her school, and she sent me some kind of black and white patterned image to show for the cashier workers. For scanning, to confirm that I'm supposed to be picking it up.

That may be weirdly convoluted and impractical, specially with how easily it could be stolen. But apparently, Kivotos already has a system in place to prevent exactly that. Life is so much convenient here, it'll take some time for me to learn how to use some of the services here, especially how that electronic or digital transaction thing.

" It's unbelievable simple. It's like making a deposit and still being able to use that money! "

I don't even know how to do that bank stuff, but sure, I'll take your word for it.

Hmm, Gehenna Academy should be right along the corner. I bring my eyes up from the map on my phone, looking around until I see... Yeah, there it is.

Gehenna Academy proper, looking like the Bremen Reichstag and surrounding Parliament building, Capitol building, and a lot of other buildings I don't know the name of in their capital city.

And so, I start walking in a straight path towards the School Lunch Club's place... Why did I think I wouldn't be the center of attention? Just about every student present stopped whatever they were doing and turned their heads to look at me.

"It's the Gun Mage Sensei! You think he's here for the Prefect Team again?"

"Look at those floating hands carrying his groceries for him! That's cool, but also lazy!"

"Idiot, he's only got one arm, remember?"

I mean, yeah. It's lazy, but it's still convenient. I would've still casted the puppet hands even if still I had both arms.

"Wait... The time? Those groceries are for the School Lunch Club!" Didn't Hasumi say something about Gehenna students all being troublemakers? And Chinatsu didn't even refute it, just let out a tired sigh.

"Those groceries! Give it up, this a mugging!" Oh come on, this is supposed to feed you! Nevermind, a good chunk of Gehenna students already formed a large enough group to block me.

"Yeah, that's right! The School Lunch Club's President is cooking today! Don't let any of em reach him!" Followed by another group forming infront of me facing the first group, I see some of the same Prefect members under Iori back in Abydos. Alright, what the hell is happening?

"Psps, hey, Levi-Sensei." A Prefect member called out to me, her hair somehow hiding her eyes. "We'll cover you, take the provisions to the School Lunch Club ASAP. It will be lunch time soon." And with that, she turned around to rejoin the actually decent formation. That's something I haven't so far seen from any other group here in Kivotos.

Both groups started brandishing and co*cking their guns, the group I'm behind in is outnumbered yet organized with the opposing side much larger in number.

I order the pair of puppet hands to hand me those large bags of raw food, the weight of which is almost pulled me down before I adjusted.


The opposing group started firing full auto with their guns on their hips, their shots hitting everywhere but the formation of some Prefect members and some random students.

The one's protecting me started firing back in controlled bursts, their disciplined firing hitting many of the opposing group directly on the head. But that's not doing much with their superior numbers.

Should I- no, damaging the tiled floors would probably be expensive for whoever's in charge . Instead, I direct the pair of floating flesh hands to fly towards the opposing force and start harassing them as I make a run for it, occasionally casting-

[Phase Step]

As I got away from the fighting.

"Aagh! Stop pulling on my hair!"

"My clothes! It's taking it off!"

"Stop! Stop flipping up our skirts!"

"Uwah! My gun! Give it back!"

"It took my spare magazine!"

Even from this far away, I can still hear the screams of those would be troublemakers, followed by the burst firing of the security and volunteer forces. Yeah, looks like the ones who stepped up to protect me already won. Man, that spell is much more useful than I expected.

And... There it is, that should be the Gehenna School Lunch Club judging by it's insignia.

I can see inside from the windows and clear transparent doors, a pink haired girl with a clothe tied above her head and bull horns. Her halo are a group of blue stars around eachother. She widens her eyes in surprise as I went through the clear door, pushing it open with my left shoulder to make way for me and the groceries I carried for that Fuuka girl.

"You must be Levi-Sensei, it's nice to finally meet you!" She excitedly greeted with a short bow. "I am Ushimaki Juri, a chef of the School Lunch Club." Juri introduced herself eagerly as she looked up? Down? We're almost the same height, with bright eyes.

"Likewise, I am Levi of Prehevil." I politely greeted back with a smile. I then hand over the bags of food I was asked to pick up and deliver. "Here are the groceries Aikiyo Fuuka asked for." I explained as Juri picked it up from my hand.

"Of course, thank you very much for delivering these." She again bowed to show her gratitude before turning around to rush it to presumably their kitchen.

After a minute or so, she came back carrying three seperate pots and plates, looking over to me with a wide passionate smile as she set the meals down a table.

"I may have gotten a little too overboard." Juri nervously said as she twiddled her fingers with an awkward smile. "But I decided to cook three different meals, each with a different amount of love sprinkled into it." So she said.

Almost exactly after the last syllable of her words, a decently loud explosion came from the kitchen followed by a scared yelp and a scream. "Juri! What was that?!" The scared voice shouted.

I give Juri a stare as she kept on smiling at me. "Oh, that? I'm sure that was just your tummy growling, excited to be filled with some yummy love filled meals!" She actually means it! She's looking at me with a radiating bright happy smile.

"Alright, let me have a taste. You said you wanted to know how much spices you should use cooking? Only way to know is with taste." I said as I took a seat infront of the table. Actually, based on that Chef's memories, just seeing how a dish is cooked will already tell so much.

"Alright, here we go." And I can't exactly judge her cooking even if it smelt like those fridges with rotten stuff inside it back in Prehevil. Something inside the purple soup thing is wiggling... Is something alive down there? "It's a Gambash Al Ajillo recipe I tried imitating online!" I don't know what that is, but sure, let me give it a try.

"The love in this food... Is how much I feel about how you offered to give it a taste without even a second thought." Juri said, her smile ever so radiating with joy. I took a spoon, scooping up some meat and soup and putting it in my mouth.

I bite, move it around my mouth, and swallow... The taste isn't that bad... for me at least, this feeling... I think I just got poisoned... Alright, where do I find a white vial?

"A white what now?" She asked in confusion. Nevermind, it's nothing. "Well, whatever you say, Sensei."

"It's... Fine. I think it's a little overcooked though, and a little too much seasoning that it completely masked the full flavor." That's the Rondon that's metaphorically inside of me speaking.

"I see." She had a smile as she put on a thinking pose. "This other dish should be exactly that." She said, bringing a plate with... Moldy bread and some kind of soup... If it could even be cold that. "Here, garlic bread with gambia soup." I want to refuse... But the anticipating hopeful smile in Juri's face... I can't bring myself to say no.

And besides, I'm already used to this anyways. Taking the piece of bread by my hands and scooping up some of that soup, I bring it up to my mouth and bite down hard. Chewing through it, shredding the bread and swallowing out of reflex eating this kind of food.

Huh? this isn't too ba-


I grit my teeth as hard as I could, feeling my stomach just be in chaos along with some of my body just shutting down. I feel my throat screaming with the sound being muffled by my gritted teeth, my face falling and slamming down the plate then the table.

"Levi-Sensei! A-are you alright?!" Juri shouted out in worry as she held my by my shoulders. I felt my body shaking, and I was barely able to stand up and take some steps back.

Juri... I see her multiplying... Like how everything looked when I first got high... I can't hear what she's saying... It's all muffled, everything's spinning and twisting.

Damnit... Looks like... not even... Vikings can with...stand... this...


Sensei!... Sensei, are you alright? Sensei!... Please wake up...

Everything's still blurry and muffled when I barely managed to force myself awake, an unclear figure with Serika's hair color and an almost similar face in front of me. Are those cat ea- no, that's a horn that looks like ears with the hairs around it obscuring it's full form. Her halo looks like a pink diamond.

She's dressed like Juri, like a chef, even has the same piece of clothing tide above their heads. "Levi-Sensei, are you alright?" Finally, I heard and saw her clearly, looking on with a worried expression.

"Fine... How long was I out?" I asked with a groan, forcing myself up into my feet with some struggling.

"Sensei, you need to si- no, I heard you're resilient and have healing magic. But still, sit back down here, will you?" The dark haired and horned girl pulled and pushed me towards and down a seat. Thanks for that, and where's Juri? "First off all, you're welcome. As for Juri, she's in the kitchen." I see.

"I believe introductions are in order." She said, followed by her clearing her throat. "I am Aikiyo Fuuka, President of the Gehenna School Lunch Club." Fuuka introduced herself with grace and formality.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Levi of Prehevil." I greeted back with a smile.

"Of Prehevil? Like in medieval times?" Kind of, I'm an orphan. "I see, how unfortunate." She remarked with a saddened expression.

"Anyways, thank you for delivering those groceries... Seriously, having the great Gun Mage Sensei doing something so mundane for me..." Fuuka spoke with a whine, while I felt myself cringe at the title.

"That's fine. I know how important meals are. Besides, you wouldn't have been able to carry all of those." I said with a smile directed to her. Hmm, why is she frowning? Is it because I called her weak? "I had to use magic to carry it all the way here." Fuuka widens her eyes in surprise, and then it shined as she muttered out magic as a question.

[Flesh Puppetry]

"Yeah, magic." I said, summoning the hands as I didn't feel like explaining it in detail. Fuuka's expression turns from wonder into horror and disgust at the sight of the rotting hands floating upwards. "Hmm, she doesn't like you two. Back down you go." The two hand flew still as they slowly rotated to face me. And then to Fuuka who fearfully stepped back, and then drooping down in a depressed looking way as they sank back into my shadow.

"Uhm... Can I apologize to those hands?" Fuuka asked with regret in her expression, regret for having judged potentially good people for what they look like. "They looked so sad." Slowly, they floated back up slightly from my shadow, just enough for Fuuka to see both giving a thumbs up gesture. She sighs with a smile before they sank back down.

"Alright, moving on. I heard you've been hard at work as Sensei in just the first week alone." I wouldn't say that exactly, I've been mostly resting at Abydos. "And I heard from Prefect member Chinatsu of how horrible the place you came from was." She said with a furious looking expression.

"Seriously, being forced to eat moldy bread?! In this day and age?!" Fuuka raised her voice as she walked towards the kitchen and out of my sight, and then walking back out with a huge plate with like, 20 different plates of food. "As such, I also invited you for an 18 course meal." I meant 18. That's... Thank you, Lady Fuuka. But I'm not really hungry at the moment.

"Firstly, you're not going to flatter me out of this. Secondly, I can see how how thin you are! You're definitely malnourished, and you need to eat a lot!" I'll be fine! I'll do that in my own time, I still have my job as a teacher to fulfill. And besides, I can slow down my metabolism, I can go for few days witho- "Bad! Sensei! Bad." She scolded while making some chopping motion with her hand.

"A slower metabolism isn't healthy, just eat... Or I'll make sure you do so." Fuuka asked, no, demanded that I eat what she cooked up for me with a menacing look. "You're still a growing boy going by how you look. And so, you need to eat more." Her menacing look is gone, replaced by one of teary eyed worry. She's definitely younger than me, yet she's scolding me as if she were my mother...

"Sure... I'll eat." I can't say no when a pretty girl is looking at me like that, pleading for me to treat myself better... I just can't.

"Great, now to start with the appetizers. Say ahh." Fuuka said with a bright smile, walking over to take a plate and then bringing a full spoon up to my mouth.

And without hesitation, I open up my jaws and took the food in.

"Sensei... Good boy!" She said with a smile as I chewed on the food, and Fuuka patting my head as if I were a pet... Not that I'm complaining.

" Lucky you, this makes it... The third girl to have done this for you. "

Why? You jealous? I don't receive a reply from Reila. Definitely jealous, no doubt.

As soon as I swallowed, Fuuka shoved another spoon into my mouth. Filling it with another new and delicious flavors... Is this... How rich people dine? How dare they... Keep this to themselves?

"Levi-Sensei... Those are... tears of joy, are they not?" Fuuka asked as she prepared another spoon of definitely delicious food. Y-yeah... It's delicious. Yuuka said she wasn't an expert at cooking, yet her's was already delicious. But tasting food cooked by a professional... It's to kill for! "You mean to die for? I see, that place you came from must be truly terrible." She said with a tone of concern and comfort.

And so, Fuuka fed my eighteen different meals, which I all savored and devoured in mere moments everytime she put it anywhere near my mouth. Each one was delicious in their own right, each was unique in its own way.

"Wow... You finished it all that quickly, you must've been really hungry, Levi-Sensei." Fuuka said in wonder with widened eyes.

"Alright, I'm very much full... Actually, much better than full." Is this what... Having my stomach filled to the brim is like? If so, then I wouldn't mind getting fat if it's your cooking I'm eating.

"Oh, Sensei." Fuuka blushed as she shyly looked away. "This is the first time we're meeting... Yet you're already speaking to me like that..." I mean... The way you acted... It was almost like a wife.

And with that, Fuuka snapped her attention to me, her blushing turning an even darker shade of red. She stammers and stutters ash she struggles to let out her words.

"Sensei... You shouldn't tease people like that." The way she's looking at me... Cute! Alright fine, I won't.

"But moving on, I need to see how Juri cooks."

"Yes, I'm also concerned with that."


"Oh boy, I feel nervous observed while cooking." So said Juri, with a shy emberassed look as she looked over her cooking utensils and ingredients. Somethings for that curry thing, potatoes, pork, an onion, and some spices.

"Alright, give me your best." I said as I focused on her pot, with Fuuka nodding and saying something similar.

"Alright, here I go!" Said Juri with a determined resolute expression. She then went on about how the recipe she's following needs the pork to be in a specific texture, meaning she'll have to tenderize it. Tenderize... According to the Rondoners memories, some kind of hammer with some pointy ends.

I then expected Juri to pull that exact tool out. Imagine my utter bewilderment as she pulled out a double barreled trench gun, pointing it at the ingredients and-


Oh no you don't!

"Uwah! Sensei, what a-?!"

"Don't play with food!" I shouted at her with a little too much fury and volume in my voice. Juri winces from my sudden outburst, then looking at me with a distraught expression. Hell, even Fuuka looks scared of me.

"B-but Sensei, it's q-quicker to pulverize meat with t-that." The lead pellets will get into the ingredients, as well as the gunpowder residue. Juri, the meat would've been rendered inedible from the lead or whatever is in the powder. "I-is that so, S-Sensei?" She nervously asked with a look of realization.

"Any other additional tools I should know of that you have?" I ask, handing the trench gun to Fuuka who reluctantly holds it with both hands. "Until you finish cooking, Fuuka will hold your gun." Hmm, I see Fuuka looking at me annoyed for some reason.

"I see... It was the gun all along. People always panicked and tried to stop me, I always thought they were giving me pointers on how to properly grip it." ... You know what? I'm not gonna question it. There's been somethings that doesn't make sense here in Kivotos common sense wise, and I'm not driving myself insane trying to figure it out. "Excuse me, is that supposed to mean something?" No, carry on, Juri.

"Alright, stir frying... Carrots, potatoes, onions... In that exact order..." She muttered aloud, squinting her eyes at those said ingredients and then a pot and a pan over an open stove. "That'll take too long. Thankfully, I've found a way to make it all fit in schedule." Juri said with a smile, taking all those ingredients she muttered about and then dumping it all over the pan.

... One may hear the sizzling of oil, but I hear the Rondoner Masterchef inside of me screaming out in horror and agony. Probably more than he did when he moonscorched.

"Eh? Sensei?" Both Fuuka and Juri looked confused, with the latter looking disheartened at my comment.

"Juri... You have a recipe to follow, right?" I ask in a low irritated voice... I say I, but it's more like that Rondoner screaming out so loudly at the horror she's showing him from my eyes view. "You shouldn't rush cooking, Juri." I said, walking over to the stove past her and turning the heat way down.

"But Sensei, our schedule... Won't it be more efficient this way."

"No, that's why chefs start cooking early. Cooking, Juri, is an art. If you rush it, then it won't be any good." At my words, she widens her eyes in surprise? Realization? Admiration? All of those things. "The chef who made this recipe worked hard for his art. Wouldn't it be disrespectful, What you're doing?" Juri looked on with an expression of horror, and then regret.

"I see... You're right, Levi-Sensei." Juri spoke with a saddened tone, and then she put on a resolute expression as she held the pan by its handle along with the spatula. "I guess... I shouldn't be using this then." She said, pulling out... Is that a miniature flame thrower? Yup, she's handing it to me like a toy.

She turned the heat up to medium and the sizzling and cooking of the oil and ingredients began anew. Once the onions and the other two changed color from the heat, she added some water followed by some spices and then the meat. As she cooked, I saw her halo occasionally brightening up before returning to normal.

"And... Done!" She proudly announced, taking the pan off the stove and then pouring it's contents down a plate. Compared to what she fed me, it looks fairly decent and safely edible. "Sensei, Fuuka. Can you two taste test?" Juri excitedly asked.

"Sure." I said without hesitation, and I'm sure Fuuka feels the same with her comrades coo- why does she looked scared?

"Here, I hope you two like it!" Juri said, handing each of us a plate of her cooking... Juri, spoon feed me will you, I only have one arm. "R-right, Sensei, say ahh." With one hand holding the spoon, and the other under it incase some fell, she directed the spoon to my mouth. I take it in my mouth and start chewing.

It tastes alright! I'm not feeling poisoned... And I'm certainly not gritting my teeth to activate Sisu... at least not yet... No, it's not lethal this time. But-

"Were those left over ingredients? The pork tasted like a piece of dried meat, with even more salt than usual." Not that it's bad, mind you. It's alright even with dried meat, even better than some of the army chefs who's cooking I ate. But that's not really saying much.

"Uwah, Sensei!" Goddamnit Rher. Juri looks at me in despair, alternating her stare between me and her cooking and then to Fuuka who's reluctantly putting a spoonful of Juri's cooking in her mouth and chewing slowly. "But those were fresh from the groceries..." Oh were they now?

"Oh... It's actually good." So she says, but she has a deadpan tone and expression. "Well, at least you improved, Juri!" Fuuka congratulated with a proud smile. And Juri looks at her... tears of joy coming out of her eyes.

"R-really... That means... so much to me. Thank you for your guidance, Sensei." Don't sweat it, I'm a teacher so naturally, I'm supposed to teach and guide. Yeah, just call me if you two need me again.

"Yes Sensei!/ We will!"

Alright, who else needs me here? I wondered to myself as I took out my phone on the way out, using my left shoulder again to open up the door.

Let me see... There's that Ako girl for some reason... And there's-


Chinatsu P.O.V

I could only groan and sigh as I carried a sizable stack of unfinished paperwork with both hands from under the pile, while having to lean back so it doesn't all fall over. I could ask Levi-Sensei for some spells to make this work easier for me, but such a thing shouldn't be used for convenience... At least I think it shouldn't.

This is tiring to say the least. Having to carefully slide my feet forwards to make sure I won't bump into anything and anyone as the tower of papers are blocking my front view, and I really can't ask anyone for help since they're busy with their own tasks.

I did send Levi-Sensei a message asking for help, but now that I think about it, I probably shouldn't have... But he did say some time back then that he would do anything for me... Hmm, I felt my cheeks tingling and heart pounding as I thought back to that.

I mean, isn't that basically a love confe-

"Hey, Chinatsu!" That voice! He's here! For goodness sake, I can't see him through the stack of papers. "Alright. Give me a moment, I have something for that." So he said, taking some steps back judging by the sounds.

Then suddenly, a hand landed on my left and his right on the stack of papers. Hmm, how will he- My thoughts pause as I saw and felt another hand landing on the other side. Huh? Whose hand is that? And why does it look like it's in necrosis?!

I felt the upper half held by the hands lifting up, and the weight of the paper lessening enough that I could stop leaning back without fear of the paperwork stack falling over.

Finally, I see Levi's face again. Looking at me with a shy smile and slightly blushing cheeks. Wait a minute. "Who's carrying that half of the documents?" I ask in confusion. I turn my head to look around until... I see it, being carried by two floating hands... "Wow... Magic is really convenient, isn't it?" I said aloud in amazement.

"But Levi-Sensei, who's hands are those?" I ask while looking at him worriedly. I mean... It doesn't look magical at all, it looks like it was chopped from someone a long time ago going by the progress of its decomposition. The spell from Fear and Hunger called it Flesh Puppetry, not Hand Summoning or the likes.

"Oh yeah, that. Back in Prehevil, it needed spare limbs. But here in Kivotos, it just appears like those rats from my shadow." Levi-Sensei said with a thinking expression. Well... that's great I suppose. "If there's more to be carried, then I can summon a Blood Golem." He told me in consideration.

"Blood... Golem? It doesn't have a ludicrous requirement to be casted, does it?" I ask with a slight glare, worried with how that spell is named. So far, he has never once hesitated to put himself in danger for whatever reasons, so he may not even see it as a bad thing if he has to bloodlet or something.

"Nothing too bad compared to the others." I sigh out in relief at Levi's words, but "compared to the others"? That probably doesn't mean much. "Just a small puddle of blood is enough." As I thought.

"Then there's no need for that, Levi-Sensei. Just escort me to my room, that's all I will need." I said with a smile as I continued walking towards my destination, going down some stairs on the way with Levi and those floating hands following me.

"So this is what we would've seen once we reached the Bremen capital." I heard him muttering aloud, staring around the interior decorations and through the windows top down view of the school campus. Hmm, he did call Ako a Bremen wh- worker. Yes, worker! Definitely not something provocative.

He doesn't seem to hate us the least bit for resembling the ones who invaded his home... That's... mature, especially for someone near our age. I mean... I would no doubt feel rage if I saw my friends and school destroyed, and the ones responsible are in front of me.

"No one else is helping you?" Levi asked me with a worried tone.

"No, the Prefect Team is stretched as it is. Handling intelligence, doing paperwork, and making sure the Gehenna student body follows it's one written rule."

"And that is?"

"Don't blow up the damn school!" I couldn't help but raise my voice. I mean, those troublemakers aren't even studying or contributing to the school, yet they're still trying to blow it up and then getting upset when we inevitably put them behind bars! "And don't even get me started on Pandemonium Society." I contained my voice into a mutter.

"That so? And Pandemonium Society... You mean Ibuki's group?" He said with a slight chuckle from my explanation of the schools one and only rule.

"Yes. Little Ibuki and that Pandemonium member Iroha who's always with her are no problem to us. But their leader, Hanuma Makoto, is... Put it simply, very stupid." At the last of my words, I heard Levi-Sensei bursting out into laughter.

"Leadership and stupidity, can you name a more iconic pair?" Pfft! I almost bursted out laughing, I managed to contain it to a small smile and a chuckle. Directed to Makoto, it is funny because it is true. Directed to Chairwoman Hina, it would be an insult. "Yeah, Hina... She's the kind of leader the adults I fought alongside with would've killed to have." Yes... Hina-Sama is a great leader, one that everyone admires... and then there's Ako who does so to the most extreme, worshipping the very ground Hina-Sama walks.

There was even that time I saw Ako sniffing President Hina's chair after she left for a mission. "Oh... Somehow, that's even gross than what a whor* would do." First of all, that's a disrespectful thing to say. Secondly, how would you know how sex workers are like?

"Well, yeah. I'm kind of insulting Ako a bit too much when I haven't even met her." Hmm, there's my room close by, I turn to see Levi-Sensei with an expression of regret. "As for the second one... Well, at one point, we got a commander that thought throwing us soldiers into a brothel for a night would be a good morale booster." He said, looking away in shame.

... I don't even know what to feel with that information, aside from my eyes widening, my jaws dropping, and my cheeks probably being the shame shade of red as a tomato. You... Levi-Sensei, did you... enjoy your experience with those kind of women? You're reading my mind, right?

"Yeah... For my... lower half, it was great. But after that, absolutely nothing else." He said, looking everywhere else but my eyes... or just my general direction.

"I suppose intimacy without love doesn't mean anything." I said with a sigh. Just hearing about his life... It's like watching a drama show that just hits the feelings of the watchers. "Speaking of which, how did they even get close to the front lines? Those women, I mean." They don't have haloes or any form of protection, right?

"It's one of humanities oldest occupation, it always finds a way." Except here in Kivotos. That, I will make sure of in case it ever arises. Other than the fact that it is immoral, it spreads diseases such as syphilis and some other things.

"Levi-Sensei... You don't have any form of Sexually Transmitted Disease, do you?" He's a man after all, it's inevitable that he's going to be... Intimate with someone here soon.

"Nah, the army doctors didn't want any diseases when they joined in." That's good I suppo- wait a minute, they're supposed to be doctors! They shouldn't be allowing, much less partaking in that absolutely immoral service! "Well, it's like alcohol and stuff. It numbs the pain." I guess that's right...

Anyways. "Levi-Sensei, can you open up the door? The key is in my back pocket." I said as I looked at the door with both hands occupied carrying the stack of paperwork. Without hesitation, I hear him approaching me and... Oh... The feeling of his hand in my...

"Alright, give me a second here." He said after retracting with his key in hand, on the knob and twisting it with the door finally opening. "There!" He exclaimed, turning to me and making a gesture of welcome as he made his way in with both I and the floating hands following in.

Levi turned his body sideways to make way for me to pass through. I reached a table where I dropped the stack of paperwork followed by the floating hands doing the same.

Oh, finally! The shoulders and back... feels so relaxed with those weights finally gone. I stretch my arms up and my back straight, taking in the feeling relief.

I see the floating hands making a gesture of goodbye as they floated lower, sinking down into Levi-Sensei's shadow and disappearing all together.

"Levi, thank you for helping... And sorry for taking up your time." I am thankful for his assistance, but I still shouldn't ha-

"No, no. It's fine, I wanted to help you, especially since... Well, it's you." He said with a wide smile and a small blush. He... really feels that way towards me? Levi-Sensei then starts turning his head, looking around my room... my room! There's a boy in my room!

"S-sorry if it's a mess. I wasn't expecting any visitors." I stuttered at the start, but I managed to compose myself.

"You call this room a mess? Chinatsu, it's gorgeous!" Levi said, smiling as he looked on impressed at my room. You really think so? I mean... I did clean up every now and then. But it's nothing to have your jaws dropped for. "If your room is a mess, then the orphanage would've been a mansion." Orphanage? No last name...

"You were an orphan?! I thought your lack of a family name was because your hometown was medieval." I raised my voice, eyes widening in shock at the revelation.

"Yeah, but that's all in the past now." He spoke with a smile, yet the sorrow and self deprecation is obvious in his eyes. Hmm, if he were to marry anyone, then he would have to take that woman's name... Hinomiya Levi... That sounds lovely!

Huh? Why is he looking at me like-? Oh... Mind reading... I forgot about that.

Levi-Sensei looks at me with a heavy blush, he tries to speak but he only stammers. He then looks towards the two sizable towers of paperwork in the table. "Y-you were gonna do all of this alone?" He nervously asked.

"Head Prefect Hina already approved of these documents. I only need to organize it."

"That sounds easy enough, let me help."

I would've declined his offer to help, but he looks so happy with helping me. And so, I let him do so. He's surprisingly quick even with just one hand, just as quick as I am with both hands.

We sorted the documents in specific categories and orders, as the Prefect Team standard demands. And those summoned hands... They seem to have their own thoughts and sentience, sorting through the documents by themselves after Levi gave them their orders.

Judging by the size of the stack of papers, it would've taken at least a day for me to sort all of it. But with Levi-Sensei's helping hands, as in his singular hand and summoned magical hands, it took only a few hours.

"Oh, finally!" I said outloud with a smile as I finished way, way earlier than usual. I will have... a lot of time resting and relaxing... given that no such nonsense that would require the Prefect Teams full attention happens. And so, I plopped my butt down to seat, with Levi-Sensei doing the same by my side... his arm around me.

... I subconsciously called this my room earlier, but it's still a lounge area... but it might as well be my room given that no one else comes here.

... I doubt that anyone would come here at all... So, it's just us... no one... will interrupt us... if we... we're about to do something very inappropriate... I could feel it.

"Chinatsu..." He called out in a whisper. I turn to look at him, and he's blushing heavily, breathing heavily... this feeling, is this perhaps... an influence of Sylvian as the deity of love? Or is it perhaps... just me? And the way he's looking at me, it's so lewd!

Out of instinct, I grip him by his buttoned shirts collar, bringing our faces closer. Just a little more, and our lips wi-


Was that... the door?!

"Chinatsu, Ako told me I had a document to take... from... you..." Iori? Did I mistakenly take something that was supposed to be for her?

"You... you pervert!" She shouted through gritted teeth, glaring towards Levi-Sensei. "Just what are you doing to Chinatsu?"

"Well... I should go now... maybe next time?" He asked me with an awkward expression. I... Yeah, I guess.

"Oh, no you don't!" Iori shouted, walking menacingly towards us as Levi-Sensei stood up. Instead of looking towards Iori, he's still looking at me.

"See you next time." He said with a smile, and then... just disappearing?

"Of course he would teleport, that coward!" Iori exclaimed, stomping down as with an expression of rage. She frantically turned her head everywhere to look for him, but she could only curse Levi out in frustration.

He can teleport? Well, its probably costly to use. That's probably why he didn't use it back in the mission to retake Schale.

"Are you alright, Chinatsu? Why... Don't tell me you liked what he was doing?!" ... No comment, Iori.


Levi P.O.V

Goddamnit, just a little more and we would have... No, we aren't supposed to do that until after marriage, right?

" That's... correct. I actually expected you to phase out of therealong with that Chinatsu girl. "

Tempting, but I'm not that horny, mind you.

[Uwaah, Sensei! You should've went to a love hotel or something!] Arona's voice gushes out in excitement.

"Arona, you're still a kid. Tou shouldn't be thinking about naughty stuff like that." She scolded me for drinking alcohol on our way to Abydos, now it's my turn to scold her for having her head under the gutter.

Anyway, it's about time I deal with that Ako girl. Looking at my phone with Reveal Aura activated, it appears that she's nearby. But that spell doesn't show how higher or lower someone is, so she's probably at a different floor.

I turn my head to look around, the carpeted floor, the decorative curtains bearing the symbol of Gehenna, which looks like Hina's spikey halo. Other than simple decorations, everything here looks plain at least when compared to Trinity with both academies being some of the largest in all of Kivotos.

Hmm, there's not much people here... Maybe it's lunch time like that Prefect member said earlier. "Arona, you think you can find that girl, Amau Ako?" I asked out of curiosity. I mean, she claim the authority over all of Kivotos, The Sanctum Tower, for a brief moment.

[Ok! Give me a moment...] Arona shouted out eagerly before trailing off, humming as if in thought. [Alright, done! Just follow the line on the map, Levi-Sensei!] Thanks Arona!

" Arona... if he ever asks you to find a specific girl, don't give him a clear path, understood? "

"It's not like I'm stalking someone, she asked for me!"

[Yes, but I won't do as I did if you weren't needed.]

Fair enough.


There she is, that blue haired, skimpy dressed wh- I mean, highly respectable woman who has so far never tried to attack me, absolutely. She's hunched back seated, writing something, muttering some curses with gritted teeth.

Normally, I would've called out her name as to announce myself. But... I'm thinking about giving her a fright. I silently took some steps into the room, and then sneaked around and behind her.

[Flesh Puppetry]

How many times have I called upon these hands just this afternoon alone? Eh, probably not the last and a lot more later on. I order the floating hands to steadily float towards her head, and then to cover her eyes.

"Huh? Who's that?!" Ako shouted in alert as her head bolted up, the hands followed and kept on covering her eyes. "Insolent pest! Whoever you are, I swear to President Hina that you will be behind bars!" She angrily threatened, letting go of the pen and paper to grip the puppet hands in an attempt to pry them out of her eyes.

Ako slightly turns around, her hands reaching up to where the wrists should be. She almost fell over as she probably expected there to be something to support her weight.

"Aagh! Get your hand off of me!" Ako shouted indignantly as she stood up and started swinging her arms around. I couldn't help but start giggling at the sight of her acting like a child. "It must be you, Sensei of Schale! President Hina was talking about floating dismembered hands two nights ago!" Hmm, she's a lot smarter than I thought.

"Alright, you got me!" I announced with amusem*nt in my voice, having the hands fly out of her face and back down to my shadow. Huh? She looks- "Those are the eyes of a dead person." I observed from her expression. Yeah, she looks dead tired.

"Alright, tell me what happened." As a Sensei, a teacher, it's still my job to take care of you... even if you want me in your dungeon or whatever kinky stuff you're into.

"You... you're really dirty minded, aren't you? And do I really look that promiscuous to you?!" Ako accused, with repulsiveness and indignation in her tone and expression. She backed away until her back hit the table. "But yes... it's been a nightmarishly bad time for me." She said with a tired sigh, slumping over and almost dropping if the table wasn't supporting her weight.

"The documents and reports I was working on was already long enough, and I was already halfway done until... a sudden power outage came! Erasing all of my hard work." Ako screamed out in despair, looking on with an expression of fury mixed with sadness. I actually don't get it, how does a power outage erase your work?... She widened her eyes in confusion. "Oh right, Chinatsu said something about your hometown having inferior technology." To that, I nod.

"Put it simply, we use computers for writing before printing it into paper. That means if the computer is turned off for any reason and we're not done or haven't yet saved our work, then it's just gone." I see. That's somehow both simple and convoluted, convenient yet complicated.

"Phones can also be considered computers, right? Why not write on there?" I ask in genuine inquiry. I mean, it doesn't need to be plugged in as it has an independent power source, right? Ako just looks at me... glaring in annoyance with gritted teeth.

"Goodness, you sound like a grandpa who knows little to nothing about contemporary technology." Ako seethed in annoyance. But it should work, right? "I guess, but its supposed to be done with Prefect Team computers." If I was told to redo an after action report because I used the wrong pen or typewriter, then I would've just shot my commanding officer and also bayonet him for good measure.

"Of course you would, you're commanding officer isn't President Hina." The way she uttered Hina's name, worship would be an understatement. "But that aside, it's obviously a ploy by our many enemies." Alright, will you please kindly elaborate.

"They must've been looking for a weak point to attack, with how much they want us down, they're proba-"

"What does having your work erased have to do with any of that? How the hell did you arrive to that conclusion?!" Mundane and boring stuff being interrupted doesn't connect at all to an enemy attack.

"Even then, they're still interfering with our work. In several ways!" I don't think I can stop her from nagging, I let out a sigh as I prepare myself for whatever nonsense she'll go on about.

"First, they made sure I couldn't finish my work, those conniving rats!" She just wants to vent, doesn't she?

"This morning, the elevator was broken. So I had to tire myself out constantly going up and down stairs! Ugh, the sweat made my clothes stick to my skin!" She groaned out in disgust.

"I came to eat lunch early, yet the meal I got was burnt!" That's just plain bad luck.

"The path I take to school was under repairs, so I had to take a much longer route!" Aren't there supposed to be announcements before those kinds of work start. "... Actually, yes."

"So, my past days have been like that! Ever since you came along, it's as if I've been enveloped in a malicious aura!" Alright, what do I have to do with all of that?!

"It's been all downhill ever since you appeared! The power shutting off when I was alone in overtime, my stock of food expiring, just about everything!" ... I think you're just paranoid, almost to the point of insanity.

"Not to mention that document Pandemonium Society told me to deal with." It's just paperwork, how bad can it get? "That raccoon, Makoto, tasked me with reporting the correlation of the shoe sizes of every Prefect member, and the approximate amount of rainfall over the last then years." Ako muttered out, looking like she's on the verge of falling into insanity.

"And I know very well... that each and every one of those unfortunate events befalling me are all connected." I really... don't want to interrupt this kind of rambling. Chances are, her paranoia is just gonna get bigger if I do. "I already have a list of suspects in the double digits. No doubt, they're planning something big just for me." I've dealt with insane people before, but seeing the process into insanity is actually interesting.

"You call me insane... of course you will do anything to stop me from exposing you!" Seriously, how in the hell am I connected to any of those?! I was in Abydos! "Because of you! Ever since you..."

"Ever since you came along, President Hina hasn't payed as much attention to me as she did before!" ... For curiosity's sake, I'm gonna let her keep on rambling.

"She hasn't been praising me or noticing my work! Good job, Ako. Well done, Ako. It's all thanks to you, Ako. Ever since you came along, she's always been playing with those magical butterflies and gushing on about the tactics you taught her." She cried and whaled as she rambled on. "Levi-Sensei said this, Levi-Sensei said that. President Hina's been talking about you nonstop!" She screamed, whimpering and crying pathetically.




"Not even Mister Marcoh or Mister August could beat that information out of me." I blurted out as I took in what Ako just cried on about. I mean, not even Marina's stalker was like that. She looks at me with a defeated expression, contemplating something.

Ako then walks over to somewhere in the room, then coming back sliding over some boxes towards me. "Levi-Sensei... could you please magic away these garbage? That raccoon in Pandemonium will throw a tantrum if she sees me throwing these out." She said, opening the boxes to see what's inside.

"Let me see here... garbage disguised as paperwork, slippers I can't use anymore since it got filled with razors... a pet leash." She looked at the boxes contents with a saddened expression. Those slippers... and that leash, something something Prefect Dog is written on it.

"Ako... is there anyone hurting you?" I ask with worry and concern. Because if she acts that way because of other people attacking her, then I can't let that be. "Back in the orphanage, there was rarely any bullies. We made sure they were punished by Father Hugo himself." We only had eachother, and as repulsive as Father Hugo was, he was still obliged to maintain the facade of the orphanage being a good place for us kids.

"Orphan? That must've been hard for you." Ako said with pity, a rare display as I so far have seen. "But... yes. As the face of the Prefect Team, I can see why I would be targeted." For some reason, she has a small smile in her face.

"As the Prefect Teams manager, I can take on whatever they have in store for me!" Ako proclaimed with a proud tone and expression. It's good to be resilient, but Ako... you shouldn't have to deal with this alone. You have your comrades, your President Hina, and you have me, your Sensei.

"Huh?!" Ako looked frozen, even trembling at my words. She clears her throat, trying to force her composure back into her body. "Are you trying to make me fall for you? Like you did with Chinatsu and President Hina?" Her paranoia returns.

"I'll have you know, I'm perfect! No flaws at all!" Yeah, I can see that.

"R-really now?! Well, yes. But President Hina is always working her back off, same with the other Prefect members, and I'm working from morning till midnight."

"The way you're working yourself like a horse, you won't be as pretty by the time you reach twenty."

"W-wait, what?! J-just what are you s-saying?!" Some of the girls here in Kivotos first appeared as openly hostile, that is until they opened themselves up like Ako will soon enough.

"Of course, it's all because of you after all." She said with an already obvious fake smile of repressed rage. "Everytime I've thought about you, heard about you, seen you while browsing through social media I felt nothing but annoyance and rage." Is this because she's jealous that Hina's been talking about me a lot?

"Of course, you're acting all nice so I forget about the fact that my misery is all you're fault!" Ako shouted, rage now evident in her tone and expression. "There's no other logical explanation, it's all your fault." Alright! It sounds to me like you just want someone else to blame!

"Nonsense! I would never feel like doing such a thing!" Speaking of nonsense, how about listening to yourself!

For a moment, she only stared at me. It must've been tense for her, but it was just the awkward silence for me.

"It seems that I can't get through you." Ako said, completely without a hint of self reflection or self awareness. She then stared back to me, as if waiting for me to answer back.


"I see, then how about a bet? Whoever loses has to put on this leasg and bark like a dog." Ako challenged with a devious smile, definitely fantasizing me under her heels.

I smirk, nodding at her offered challenge. To which she's taken aback with eyes widened in shock.

"Without hesitation... Now how do we decide the winner and loser?" She wonders aloud in a thoughtful posture, her hand in her ching and the other holding her elbow.

"Oh, I've got just the thing!" I said, catching her attention. I pull out the remaining four luck coins I have out of my pockets, and then showing it to her.

"Are those... gold coins?!" Yeah, why are you acting like that? A little gold enough to get your panties in a twist? She starts shaking with clenched hands.

"Luck coins. Back home, we had a tradition to flip one when dealing with chance. If it flipped in our favor, we live. If not, then we are destined for bad luck, sometimes even a painful death." She looks hesitantly at the coins in my hand.

"Seriously, a randomized winner and loser?"

"What? Are you scared, Amau Ako?! Where was all of that bravado from just a second ago?!" I shouted in a mocking way with a smirk.

"Who's running away?! Fine, I'll show you my power! For fairness sake, I will be the one to flip the coin." To that, I nod with a smirk. She took one of the lucky coins, and then twisting and turning it as she inspected it. "The head is obvious enough, what's with the tail symbol?"

"The symbol of Gro-goroth, the God of Destruction." I start giggling because of my hidden advantage.

"Is that so? Well then, heads or tails, Levi-Sensei?!"

"Tails never fails!" I have prayed and offered my blood, along with that one lobotomized villager I dragged to a ritual circle as sacrifice to Gro-goroth.

"Heads for me then." She said, clenching her fist holding the coin as she closed her eyes in... prayer? Hah, whichever god she's praying to is weak against Gro-goroth. "This is for my win!" Ako shouted as she shot the coin up the air with her fingers.

The golden coin falls back down to her hands, and then she slams it to her other hand. Ako turns to face me with a resolved look in her eyes. "I'm checking the results, are prepared to kneel and bark?" She asked with a smirk, to which I smirked back and nodded.

Slowly, in anticipation, Ako hesitantly removes her hand covering the coins surface. She then freezes, her face morphing to an expression of shock and fear as the lucky coin started dissipating.

"T-tails?!/ The God of Destruction favors me, it seems." We spoke over eachother. She turns to look at me, trembling as she did.

"Y-you cheated... no, there's no such thing as a God of Destruction!" Come on... kneel, you're a woman of your word, are you not? "S-Seriously? Right here?! S-sensei, l-let's talk a-about thi-!"

[Intimidation] [Persuasion]

"Don't make me ask again. Kneel... you naughty whor*." I ordered her with a glare, and as if responding to my demand, she fell down to her knees in an instant. Ako herself is confused as she looks at her knees, letting out some adorable confused noises.

"B-but Levi-Sensei... what if someone one passes by?" She asked, her tone dripping with fear and... excitement? I couldn't stop myself from chuckling as I noticed. "Uhm... S-Sensei...?"

"So?" She again freezes at my one singular word. "Let them, let them see and gawk at the fact that you're my woman now!" Ako's expression darkens in fear, yet her excitement and anticipation still remains! You want this, don't you?! You truly are naughty.

"But don't worry, I'll take good care of you!" I said with a devious smile, holding the leash by it's handle and handing over the other hand to her.

Hesitantly, Ako wraps it around her neck and locks it. Imagine my utter surprise when she just dropped down to all fours.

"I can't believe... I even allowed this... and I can't believe... just how much I'm enjoying this!" She blurted out, some tears leaking out of her eyes as she blushed in absolute shame with a mix of arousal.

"Good girl, being honest and all that." I said with amusem*nt in my voice, lightly pulling at the leash.

"You can read my mind anyways, so I... might as well." Ako said, somehow getting off of the humiliation she's suffering.

"Ako... not once have I read your mind this entire time." I tell her in a deadpan tone. For the I don't know hoe many times this is, she froze again in horror before her blush became a much darker shade of red. "I never had to."

Ako looks completely overwhelmed by her feelings. Of shame, emberassment, humiliation, indignation, all of those things along with some other that I don't need to know about.

" ... Levi, what the f*ck am I witnessing? Why can't I turn my eyes away?! "

You tell me Reila.

"So... should we go for a walk or something?"


I meant that as a joke, but Ako looks like she actually wants to do it despite the absolute look of horror and fear in her face.

"I'm sorry... I tried to tease you... I won't do it again!" She said in between cries and whimpers. "How long will I have to stay like this?" You know what, let's stay a bit longer, shall we?

"Uwaah! Please, no more! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have blamed everything on you!" Alright, fine. Just get up already.

"Ugh, I can't seem to hide any of my feelings away from you... Until next time then." Should I bring my own leash next time?

"No! Just... please don't!... But yes. That was kind of relaxing. Again, no point in hiding it if you can just read my mind!"


A/N: I wanted to include some other bond stories on the way to Volume 2, but I thought it would be better if I end it here so I can end the next chapter at the start of Volume 2 because it's already at 16k words. The app/my phone(I don't know which, app is jotterpad by the way. I like it better than word document) already stutters at this many words. I felt like this got finished way early. Like, I didn't even notice when it reached 10k words. One minute it was 5k, the other it was already 10-11k.

Also decided to include the Abydos FTF meeting with ghost Yume on the beginning of the next chapter.

So far, I love starting with other POVs for some reason. And yeah, our boi is horny for megane elf. Megane banzi.

For some reason, back when this fic first came into mind, I already imagined Levi immediately clinging to Chinatsu because she's a medic and has morphine(to get high or to deal with the withdrawal. It hasn't left my mind because of how well I think it fits)

Soldier Boy and Angel Girls - Chapter 8 - Dalubhasa41st (2024)


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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.